How to Get Rid of Plaque On Teeth
Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that covers the teeth as a result of untreated bacteria buildup. Formed as a “fuzzy” coating on the surface of the teeth, plaque is very common. It typically doesn’t require outside treatment as long as patients are consistent with brushing and flossing, but a […]
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Habits That Damage Healthy Teeth
We all have patterns that are part of our everyday routine, but many patients are unaware of how certain seemingly innocuous habits can be detrimental to their teeth when practiced over a long period of time. Cosmetic dentist Landon Libby, DDS and our entire dental team believe strong patient education […]
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Read this before whitening your teeth.
Bleaching Teeth bleaching is a common and relatively simple procedure whereby your teeth are whitened using a chemical solution. This procedure can be performed in the dentist’s office, or at home. For home bleaching, a custom mouthpiece is created to ensure the best results. If you want a faster solution, […]
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Wisdom teeth removal—when is the right time?
How much do you know about the third molars way in the back of your mouth? Read below to test your wisdom teeth IQ. If you have additional questions, or you want to know more about your wisdom teeth and what to do with them, call (619) 276-6884 to schedule […]
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Cosmetic Dentistry 101.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished your smile was a little brighter or straighter? You’re not alone. A great smile can have a significant impact on your overall appearance, not to mention your confidence and self esteem. And with modern advances in dentistry making cosmetic procedures more […]
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6 Reasons To Use Your Dental Benefits Before Year-End.
Not sure what your insurance covers? Just ask. Our helpful staff would be happy to look that up for you and book your appointment. Whether you’re due for a checkup, you’ve been putting off getting dental work done, or you wisely don’t want to leave insurance money on the table, […]
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Dental Care And Diabetes
Did you know that your mouth provides context clues about your overall health? During a regular professional cleaning, your dentist can detect and diagnose systemic diseases in your body. This is why maintaining your six month checkups are of so much value–not just for your teeth and gums, but for […]
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Dentists Have Feelings, Too!
Picture yourself at a holiday party where half of the faces are friendly but unfamiliar. While scooping up some delicious hor d’oeuvres, you start some small talk with a few people standing by the chips and dip. The conversation swings around to jobs. “I’m a librarian,” you say. “Oh, I […]
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