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Libby Dental

Foods That Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Instead of using harsh chemicals on your teeth, think about all the natural foods that can whiten your teeth. Strawberries. Who doesn’t love these sweet fruits? Strawberries contain malic acid that can remove discoloration from your teeth. You can eat as many of these however you choose and naturally whiten […]

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couple sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea: 5 Things To Know About Sleep Apnea

Do you or someone you know suffer from sleep apnea? What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder that causes pauses in your breathing while you sleep, your brain is trying to make the decision between breathing or sleeping. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you’re probably having […]

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Advantages of Dental Crowns

Crowns are used for a range of cosmetic and restorative purposes made of porcelain material from our in house CEREC machine. Crowns are thicker than veneers and provide extra strength and durability to teeth that have severe decay or damage. When is a Dental Crown used? Crowns are custom made […]

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10 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Almost 50% of our population suffers from tooth sensitivity, most adults usually experience this between the ages of 18-35 years old. Here are 10 biggest causes of tooth sensitivity. Aggressive brushing- If you’re a person that uses to much force while brushing those pearly whites and/or uses hard bristled brushes, you […]

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Libby Dental Office and Team

5 Signs You Need To See Your Dentist

If you don’t feel good about your oral health, you are more likely to hide those pearly whites. When your teeth are in good health, the more confident you’ll feel about showing them off. Your teeth are one of the most important aspects of your appearance, so why not take […]

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Smiles For Life Foundation

Widen your heart, Whiten your smile! Our team is so excited to be apart of the Smiles for Life foundation. This campaign raises money for underprivileged, seriously ill and disabled children in their local communities all over the world. Participating Crown Council dentists have donated their time to whiten teeth […]

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dentist near me san diego

How do I find the right dentist near me? Here’s how.

Knowing you’ve found the right dentist—someone you can trust your dental health to for years of positive checkups—is a good feeling. But finding that dentist can feel a bit like choosing the right toothpaste—with so many options, how do you know which one is right for you? Besides just searching […]

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Wisdom teeth removal—when is the right time?

How much do you know about the third molars way in the back of your mouth? Read below to test your wisdom teeth IQ. If you have additional questions, or you want to know more about your wisdom teeth and what to do with them, call (619) 276-6884 to schedule […]

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Invisalign vs. Online Kits

If you’re an adult that doesn’t want traditional metal braces, you may know by know that there are alternatives options such as invisible aligners. Typically, our first instinct is usually to find an affordable and quicker solution. Recently, I’ve come across a few different advertisements for at home or do […]

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Sedation Dentistry

Everything You Need to Know About Sedation Dentistry.

For some people, going to the dentist is an enjoyable routine experience (who doesn’t love healthy checkups and a squeaky-clean smile?). For others, sitting in a dental chair can be mildly uncomfortable or even downright terrifying. But it doesn’t have to be. At Libby Dental, we want the experience to […]

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